Books on Nature and the Environment

I’ve assembled a few books that I recommend on nature and the environment.  Some provide the big picture on environmental issues, others are narratives of personal experiences in nature.  I also include some practical guides about steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.

The big picture:

These books provide a perspective from thought leaders on environmental issues, business and government. Al Gore and Bill McKibben provide overviews of climate change. Michael Bloomberg suggests roles for businesses and cities, Fredrich Rich discusses bipartisan options. Freya Williams discusses how businesses can be agents of change. I’ve included a variety of perspectives, including free market and non-partisan approaches.

 The natural world:

E.O. Wilson takes joy in living creatures and expresses his concern about human impact on the environment from the perspective of biodiversity. Nature writers like Sue Hubbell, Aldo Leopold and others listed here share a reverence for life and nature that is inspiring.


Practical guides

A number of books offer very practical steps for reducing your carbon footprint. These are a few that I found well written and helpful.

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